Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Semester: Week 4

The recital Saturday went so well.  I am so pleased with all the effort that went into those performances and how everyone shined.  I am proud of each student for their great accomplishment.

This week we will be supplementing with some extra Christmas songs and some fun Christmas music games.  I wish all you a very Merry Christmas!

Studio is closed Dec. 19th-30th
Studio reopens Jan.2nd

Recital Pictures

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Performance Guidelines

Performance Guidelines
  Dress nicely.  Girls wear a dress or nice shirt and slacks. Guys wear a nice shirt and slacks
  Do not wear rings or dangling bracelets
  Bring your music. Mark your piece with a paper clip or tab.  Sheet music should held by the   
    rings in your folder.
  Any music that can not fit in the music folder because of its size needs to be strengthened so it  
     does not fold on the piano stand.  To achieve this you need to staple construction paper to it.
  When someone is performing do not leave.  If you need to leave do so     
    after the performer is done.  When you return, wait until the performer is 
    finished before taking your seat.
  Do not talk or make noise with your program.  Quietly listen.  You will 
    want the same courtesy when you perform.
  When it is your turn to perform adjust the bench and position your music.
  Put your hands in the correct position and double check to make sure 
    they’re right.
  Take a breath and think about how you want the piece to sound.
  Count one measure at a comfortable tempo and begin.
  If a mistake is made, keep going.  Do not repeat the measure.
  When you are finished, take a bow and smile.  Bowing is important 
    because it communicates appreciation for the audience’s time and 
  After you bow, take your music off the piano and have a seat.
Performance Guidelines

What to wear: Dress nicely, not to formal
What NOT to wear: Bracelets, rings, uncomfortable clothes, jeans
 What to bring: Music marked with a paper clip or sticky tab to make it easy to find.  Any loose leaf music should be held by the rings in your folder or mounted on construction paper to make it sturdy.
What to do before the recital: Practice pieces as you would perform them.  
If you make a mistake pretend it didn’t happen and keep playing.  
Try not to repeat the measure or restart the phrase.  
Perform them for friends, family, pets, or a pretend audience of toys.
Play the piece three times everyday until the recital.
What to do when you get to the recital: Get a program and sit on the first two rows.  
I will put you in order of your performance.  Sit quietly and wait for your turn.
What NOT to do at the recital: Do not talk while someone is playing.  
Do not make noise with your program or music.  
Do not leave while someone is playing.
What to do when it is your turn: Go sit at the piano and make sure the bench is 
adjusted to your size.  Fix your music.  
Take your time and make sure everything is in the right place. 
Position your hands and breathe. 
  Think how the piece sounds and begin.
What to do if you make a mistake: Keep playing.  If you get lost you can restart the 
piece.  Know that everyone makes mistakes.  A recital is meant to be a fun 
way of showing what you have learned, but it can make you nervous.  
Take some deep breaths.  Think of how many times you have played it well and have confidence you can share your music with others.  
One mistake out of hundreds of notes is still a score of 99.  
You can still be proud of yourself and this accomplishment.
What to do when your turn is over: Bow after you play.  Bowing is important 
because it communicates appreciation for the audience’s time and 
applause.  Take your music and sit down.  Celebrate your accomplishment.  You had enough courage to play for someone else.  Congratulations!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Winter Semester: Week 3

The recital is this Saturday at 10:00 AM at Tabernacle Methodist Church located at 5601 Liberty Road.   The performance guidelines are located in this post: Performance Guidelines.  This week the students will prepare performing for the recital.

In December, students can earn 3 extra jewels for anytime they perform outside the studio.  There may be opportunities at school at a Christmas program or at church.  If they perform for someone outside their immediate family, it will also count.  Call up the grandparents and have them listen over the phone.  Play for a friend or video yourself and send it out on facebook.  To get credit, simply right a note in their assignment book.

There will be lessons next week and then we will take a two week break for Christmas.  Lessons will resume on Jan. 2nd.