Our top pirate of the week is Maddie Woods.
In the month of November students can earn 3 extra jewels for playing musical computer games online. I have added a Online Games link on my site. Students need to log in 20 minutes a week in order to receive the 3 extra jewels. Simply record the games played in your practice log, under notes and have your parents sign it. There are a lot of games to choose from, so have fun!
Group Lessons are also coming up for the week of Nov.20-25th. You can sign up for group lessons using this link Group Lessons Fall Semester
You can email me if you have trouble with the link.
Group Lessons are a free hour of lesson time that serve as a make up lesson for missed lessons throughout the semester. Students engage in games and activities, share a piano selection and will turn in their jewels at the treasure box for a prize. If you cannot open the link or are having trouble, email me your preferences.
Times available are:
Monday, Nov.21 3:00-4:00; 4:15-5:15 and 5:15-6:16;
Tuesday, Nov.22nd 3:00-4:00; 4:15-5:15 and 5:15-6:16.
Wednesday there is no school. 3:00-4:00 and 4:00-5:00 will be available as well.
Upcoming Dates: Group Lesson Week: Nov.20-25
Winter Recital: Dec. 10th at 10:00 AM