Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Semester: Week 6 UNO

I will be posting some results from the One Minute Club next week.  Any notes the students missed will go in their drill book.  This week we be playing UNO with level one and above and Three in a Row with the primer level.  Students will match note cards and alphabet cards to get three of the same notes.

Our Great Gem of the week is:  Articulation: Observing all markings.  Students can earn extra jewels for paying attention to markings like staccato, repeats, accents, phrases, etc. . .

This is the last week to bring in extra theory sheets.

Our top pirate of the week is Juletta Klein with 36 jewels!  Way to go Juletta!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Teaching Studio: Practice Abacus

Wonderful Idea! Can't wait to try this creative way of having kids practice. Sounds like a good project to attempt at group lessons and then they can have their very own at home.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Semester: Week 4: One Minute Club

This week we are testing for One Minute Club in notes, chords and key signatures.  This will be our base score for the year, so I hope to see improvements in the months to come.  Students need to name 23 notes in one minute to become a part of the note club.  To become a part of the chord or key signature club, students must name 14 cards.

If your student is not at level one yet, we will be playing piano races up the keyboard.  We identify different notes and race up the keyboard.

This week's Great Gem is Dynamics: Observes Louds and Softs.  If students display this musical ability they will earn extra jewels.  Students can also earn extra jewels for completing three theory sheets.  The extra theory sheets can be found in their notebook.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Semester: Week 3: Bea's Keys

We are continuing to work on note names this week with a game called "Bea's Keys."  Bea's Keys are little cards with the note written on them that fit perfectly on the piano key.  It is a great visual for the student to see the note where it should be played.  We will also drill some flashcards with our flip cards.  Next week we will be testing for the One Minute Club, so I am trying to get the students ready to do their best.  One Minute Club is for students Level 1 and above to see how many notes, chords or keys they can name in a minute.

One way you can prepare at home is to study the flip cards with your student at home.  Another resource is the internet.  There are several great games online to practice note names.  Here are some good ones:

Clef Reading
Music Theory: Click on note identification.  You can customize your exercise for your level.
Music Tech Teacher: I like Note Invader, Treble-Bass  Lines and Spaces

I would like to congratulate Nathan Weems on his recent audition for Southeast Middle School's Jazz Band.  He has been working hard all summer and was selected as the pianist for the band this past Friday!

Our Great Gem this week is Rhythm: Good Counting and Accuracy.  If a student display a good concept of rhythm they get an extra jewel.  Remember a student can earn 3 extra jewels if they complete 3 theory sheets.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Semester: Week 3 LEGOS


This week the students will have fun building with Legos!  I have some legos that have note names on them and the students will arrange them in different ways to practice their understanding of note relationships.  We can build the musical alphabet, intervals, chords and scales.

Great Gem of this week is: NOTES, Good reading and listening.

I will reward students for really paying attention to playing the correct notes.

This month our bonus jewel reward is: Theory Sheets.  Complete 3 theory sheets to earn three extra jewels at each lesson.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Fall Semester Week 2: Canon Blast

Here some pictures I captured of a fun game we played this week:  "Canon Blast"

First I have students pick a color for their pirate ship.  I have magnetic chips, or "magic notes" in a variety of colors for the students to choose from. 

Students identify their notes with flashcards and if they identify it correctly they get to put a chip on the matching ship.  "Fire Canon One"  

Students had to get three chips on a ship to blast it out of the water and win the ship.  Whoever has blasted the most ships wins!  

The students enjoyed this game and it was a great way to review our note names!

Juletta is naming the flashcard

3 blue chips!  She won a ship!